The church and the scriptures teach:
1 Corinthians 14:33 For God is not the author of confusionGiven the items I identify below, I ask you: Is this confusing?
Would an all-knowing perfectly-loving God do the following to his children?
Would you if you loved your kids?
- The church now acknowledges that the doctrine the brethren taught for 120+ years of withholding priesthood and temple blessings from blacks was false doctrine. The brethren led the members astray for over a century. (Reference)
- Joseph Smith translated the Book of Abraham totally incorrectly. (Reference)
- Joseph Smith translated the Kinderhook plates totally incorrectly. (Reference)
- Joseph Smith attempted to sell the copyright of the Book of Mormon. (Reference)
- The church says Book of Mormon has the fullness of the gospel but says nothing about endowments, washing, anointing, degrees of glory, sealings, or the pre-mortal.
- The church says homosexuality is a major sin, but Jesus says nothing about it in the entire New Testament or the Book of Mormon.
- David Whitmer and Martin Harris said that God gave Joseph the exact words to him for the translation of the Book of Mormon and if they were not written correctly the words would not change till it was correct. Then why have there been over 3,000 subsequent changes to the text since translation? (Reference, Reference)
- Why are King James version (1611AD) textual errors and additions of the bible in the Book of Mormon (a text from 600BC - 400AD) (Reference)
- Joseph Smith changed the name of the church, removing the name of Jesus Christ from 1834 till 1838 even though the Book of Mormon says the name of the church should have his name. (Reference)
- The church says if not sealed together we will not be with our family members in heaven. Why would it be that we will have less freedom in heaven than we have on earth to be with those we love?
- Does it make sense that there could be anything an imperfect person could do in this short life that would justify an ETERNITY of punishment?
- By simply coming to earth we are destined to die, thus the free resurrection. So too by coming to this earth we are destined to sin, so why not a free exaltation?
- The church teaches we gain our testimony by bearing it even if we don't have it yet, how is this not bearing false witness? (Reference)
- Joseph Smith didn't tell anyone or write about the restoration of the priesthood till 5 years after it happened. Why would that make sense? (Reference)
- Joseph Smith said in his journal (before the first vision) that he had learned by studying the scriptures that none of the churches were true, but our account of the first vision says the opposite. (Reference)
- The church teaches that God answers our prayers, but there is even more evidence that he doesn't.
- Why would we think that God answers our prayers to do well on a test, drive safely, or find our car keys when he doesn't answer prayers of tens of thousands of little children who go missing and die every year? (Reference)
- Joseph Smith violated D&C 132 revelation on how to practice polygamy. He didn't always marry virgins and he didn't usually tell Emma about it. (Reference, Reference)
- Joseph Smith had over 30 wives and yet lied about it publicly his entire life. (Reference, Reference)
- Joseph Smith had others who knew he had multiple wives lie and sign affidavits saying he didn't. (Reference)
- Joseph Smith said that God sent and angel with a drawn sword to threaten him with destruction if he didn't marry more women, but God didn't send an angel to threaten Hitler, Stalin, Mao, or Ted Bundy? (Reference, Reference)
- Joseph Smith use this threat and promise of salvation to the girls family to coerce some of the girls into marrying him. (Reference)
- Joseph Smith married other men's wives who were already married to righteous priesthood holders. (Reference)
- Joseph Smith did not have any children with his other wives although this is the reason the Book of Mormon says polygamy is sometimes allowed by God.
- The church teaches that our loving God creates people who are homosexuals and then tells them they must live a life without romantic or sexual fulfillment; that they are broken and will be fixed in the next life. How is this not cruel? (Reference)
- The church punishes children of homosexuals by refusing to let them join the church, and at the same time teaches we are not punished for the sins of our parents. (Reference)
- The church wants us to count spiritual witnesses as evidence. Then against the 15 million Mormons spiritual witness we must consider the 1 billion Hindus, 500 million Buddhists, 1.5 billion Muslims, or 2 billion other Christians that tell me the spirit has witness to them that they have the truth. The spiritual evidence would say Mormonism is likely not true. (Reference)
- The brethren were wrong when they thought the documents by Mark Hoffman (the salamander letter and the 3rd blessing) were real and paid the con man for them and then made apologetic statements about these documents only later to find out it was a fraud. Would not the brethren be inspired by God about such a significant threat to the church? (Reference)
- Brigham Young taught that everyone must practice polygamy to get into heaven, President Hinckley says this is not true. (Reference, Reference)
- Brigham Young taught that Adam is God the Father at conference and in the temple. Later prophets declared this false doctrine. (Reference, Reference, Reference)
- Brigham Young taught that some sins were so bad that the Atonement could not take care of them and that a person must be killed to atone themselves. Later prophets declared this false doctrine. (Reference)
- When asked specifically if they saw the plates with their physical eyes, the 3 witnesses would not confirm but said they saw it with their spiritual eyes. (Reference, Reference)
- Joseph Smith did not record the first vision until 12 years after he had it, why? (Reference)
- Joseph Smith did not say he saw two people in the original account and said nothing about the call to the work, only that his sins were forgiven. (Reference)
- The church has taught for most of history that the plates were used in the translation of the Book of Mormon. They weren't. (Reference, Reference)
- The 11 witnesses of the Book of Mormon also witness to many other things that are known to be false. (Reference, Reference)
- President Benson said the civil rights movement was of communist origin and should be opposed. (Reference)
- The Book of Mormon is taught to be a literal historical record of the people but not 1 piece of archaeological evidence has been found to clearly indicate the existence of the Nephites or Lamanites. (Reference, Reference)
- The Book of Mormon indicates the people had steel, brass, copper, gold, coins of many types, swords, shield, chariots, sheep, horses, elephants, ox donkey, pig, barley, and wheat. In quantities to support populations of millions but there is NO archaeological evidence of any of this and there should be; there is for every other civilization we know of.
- Archaeological evidence shows that the ancient Americans ate maize and chocolate and dog in large quantities but the Book of Mormon never mentions these.
- The population growth described in the Book of Mormon would have required a growth rate that has never been achieved by any pre-agricultural (1700s) civilizations anywhere in the world, and some periods of growth in the Book of Mormon have never been achieved till the 1900s with the rise of modern medicine. This is before you factor in all the deaths from the wars in the Book of Mormon which would have made the growth even more unbelievable. (Reference)
- The church has clearly taught for decades that the Native American people were Lamanite descendants. Our understanding of DNA has proven this false. (Reference)
- The church teaches that the earth is about 6000-7000 years old. Science has proven this false. (Reference)
- The church teaches that there was no death on the earth prior to man (Adam and Eve). Science has proven this false. (Reference)
- Joseph Smith said he restored the temple ceremony but we know that our ceremony is not at all like ancient biblical temple ceremony.
- Joseph Smith taught that the temple ceremony should not be changed but we have change it a lot. (Reference)
- There is no explanation from the brethren as to why our temple ceremony is so incredibly similar to the Freemason temple ceremony which originated in 1400AD.(Reference, Reference, Reference)
- Mormons criticize the Catholics for reducing baptism from immersion to sprinkling when we have done the same exact thing in our temple washing and anointing ceremony that used to be a full body washing naked in a tub and is now just a symbolic touching with a finger. (See above reference)
- The temple ceremony once contained threats of violence and gore to anyone that revealed the secrets and yet we think this is how a loving kind God teaches us in his most holy house? Would you teach your kids that way? (Reference)
- Jesus threw out the money changers who were selling goods to be used in temple ceremonies but we feel it is ok to charge rent clothing inside the temple?
- The church teaches that God left all his children alone for roughly 1800 years with no prophet, no truth on the earth. If the gospel of Jesus is so important to salvation, why would he do that?
- The Book of Mormon teaches that (3 Nephi 11: 31-49) the doctrine of Jesus is to believe in him, become as a little child and be baptized and that you shall inherit the kingdom of God, and that if anyone declares more or less than that as doctrine, it is evil. Then why does the church teach SO much more than that? (Reference)
- The church teaches that evolution has nothing to do with the origin of humans. Mountains of scientific evidence has clearly shown that humans evolved. (Reference)
- Joseph Smith (and many of the brethren till David O. Mackay) drank alcohol after the revelation on the Word of Wisdom. (Reference)
- The scriptures say the Word of Wisdom is not a commandment, but we treat it as one. (Reference)
- The church doesn't care about eating meat sparingly or only in times of winter even though the scriptures say it.
I ask you.
Is this the work of an all-knowing perfectly-loving divine God?
Or is this confusion? If so... who would author it?
This, and more, was the smoking gun for me that told me Mormonism was not true.
If God is Good,
and God is Wise,
and God is Loving,
this is not how he/she would lead us.